It has been two months since I last updated. I appreciate all the messages from many of you. I have tried to answer all but I will be honest there are days I just can't do one more thing. So hopefully this blog will help.
I have seen the doctor, and fed a vampire, since January. I had to stop taking the steroids since they were not working on the inflammation. My lab worked showed no decrease in my levels. Dr. Chou upped my Lyrica to help with the pain. Since doing that I have seen the pain decrease and have even had days with no pain. On the next visit, I will feed another vampire, and evaluate my meds and see if the Plaquenil and Lyrica has helped.
Several of you have asked, "How do I truly feel?" And I appreciate your concern, however I still have good days, bad days and dreadful days. I was so glad to see Spring Break. I honestly don't think I could have made another day. And I didn't mind the rain! It took me three days staying in bed or on the couch until I felt better. The fatigue is like no other. I truly don't know how to describe it. The words sleepy or tired are no longer what I consider fatigue to be. I would love to be just tired. Those are things that a two hour nap, or eight hours of sleep can fix. This week I have ached more than the last weeks. So I am throwing that up to maybe the weather?
Also, because I am high anemic I crave ice. It's called Pica. Pica is a disorder in which you crave and eat non-food items. And when I say crave ice, I mean like a food. I no longer eat sugar, and I have always been a huge chocolate lover. Nope I would rather have ice than chocolate. Crazy I know!
Back to "How do I truly feel?" I don't know. I still feel numb to this whole thing. I have always been on the go, a never slowing down person. Now I have to look at my schedule for the week and save up energy for whatever is happening. I love this season. I love digging in the dirt, and cleaning up our place from winter. I don't know if I can do all of that. It almost feels like I hoover over head and I am watching all of this. I read anything I can get my hands on about this disease. I answer this question with "I'm good." Because I don't know?
However, knowing all of that I smile and push on. I will not whine over how I feel. I will not frown over how I feel. I come from strong women and I am trying to develop one. There are people that are less fortunate. The end of March and all of April are exciting months. We have Ag shows, county fair and my baby turns 13! Yes I will have a pre-teen! I have to keep moving because he isn't stopping.
So thank you to all my sweet friends and family that help me out.
I will praise good days and survive rough days and continue on this crazy journey we call life.